A downloadable Card Game

Tactical War!

Only 2 players


-Normal Deck of Cards

- Something to mark points (I.e. Pen and paper, poker chips)


- Win exchanges till you hold the entire deck of cards


- Each player starts with half of a shuffled deck face down


*** Rules and Restrictions of War: ***

- Each player draws one card from the top of the deck and "battles" them, the player with the higher card wins.

- If two cards are the same, draw more cards till someone wins. the winning player gets the accumulated stack.

- Value; Lowest -> Highest; 2-10, J,Q,K,A

*** Rules and Restrictions added in Tactical War: ***

- Each Turn the player gets an "Action"

- You can spend three actions to redraw your card, and put your previous card to the bottom of your deck. your next played card adds 3 points to the value of the card.

- Face cards are now unique, the Jack are Officers, The Queens are Generals, and the Kings are Admirals

- If you draw a face card on the initial "Battle" phase, then you draw more cards depending on the face cards and add the cards together; DO NOT ADD THE VALUE OF THE FACE CARD

- Jack; draw 2 cards, Queen; draw 3 cards, King; draw 4 cards

- If another face card is drawn after the first one, then the value of the card is 10

- Value; Lowest->Highest; A(1), 2-10, J(10),Q(10),K(10)


- One player wins when they have all of the cards in the deck

Dante Trejo - Game Designer

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